Kudos and Best Wishes to Jacob Polis
Kudos and Best Wishes to Jacob Polis
The Real Projectives® team has enjoyed working with Jacob Polis through a cooperative education experience these past six months. Jacob is a sophomore at Drexel University and will return soon to finish his degree. He not only learned about the real estate industry but also about working as a professional in a consulting firm.
Jacob gained exposure to many aspects of our business. While he wasn’t able to delve too deeply into his major of mechanical engineering, he learned about the many stages of building from acquisition diligence to numerous elements of design, to permits and inspections, through construction, and even finance and law. He reviewed and organized numerous documents and files vital to designing and constructing buildings in the real world. And he tackled a special project creating interactive maps of where our various current and past projects are located throughout the U.S.
Furthermore, this being his first job, Jacob discovered more than engineering skills, including how to serve as a valuable team member working in an office environment. Jacob stated, “This chapter has been full of life lessons and valuable experiences. I learned how to conduct myself in a professional environment and the differences between working and going to school. My new knowledge and experience will be extremely valuable as I go forward in my engineering career.”
We appreciate working with him and wish Jacob the best of successes completing the bachelor’s degree and throughout his bright future!